Title: Chicken Avgolemono Soup

Category: Soups & Stews, Chicken

Servings: 6



Chicken Broth:
To make approximately 8 cups of broth: Cut up a chicken into 6 or 8
pieces, discard excess fat, trim the giblets, discarding the liver, and
rinse the chicken and giblets. Place the chicken pieces and giblets in a
large saucepan or stockpot along with all of the other ingredients.Gently
heat in a small skillet until fragrant . Bring slowly to a boil, skim off
any froth, cover, reduce the heat, and simmer 1 1/4 hours. Strain broth
and continue boiling until reduced by one third. Use the chicken meat for
the rest of the soup; shred the meat.

Bring the chicken broth to a boil in a large pot. Add the rice, cover, and
simmer 15 minutes, or until the rice is cooked.
Five minutes before ready to serve, whisk the egg whites in a large bowl
with a wire whisk or an electric mixer until stiff. Whisk in the yolks,
add the lemon juice and whisk 1 minute longer. Hold a ladleful of the hot
broth about 12 inches above the bowl and slowly add it to the eggs and
lemonjuice, whisking constantly. (This trick helps prevent curdling the
egg mixture, because by the time the broth reaches the bowl it is hot but
not boiling). Off the heat, whisk the egg and lemon juice sauce into the
soup. Do not return the soup to the heat. Add salt and pepper to taste,
sprinkle with parsley, and serve at once.


Once the egg and lemon juice flavoring is added, the
soup must not be reheated.